Exercises to help students get more out of Tutor Feedback

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Using Feedback Effectively form
Form for students to help them get more out of tutor feedback on their work.

Shared with the World by Dr Deirdre Burke
Feedback Exercise
Exercise to help students use tutor feedback, by encouraging them to record details from tutor feedback for a whole semester/ year. The form encourages students to record the things feedback has identified they do well, and also to identify the areas for development. This synoptic overview helps students to see patterns in their feedback so they can take actions to improve their future learning.

Shared with the World by Dr Deirdre Burke
Introductions: advice for students
Single webfolio page to help students develop their introduction to an essay. The page contains a summary of key points and links to materials to see exemplars and tutorials on writing introductions.

Shared with the World by Dr Deirdre Burke
Judaism: Book Review example and feedback
This provides an example of an assessed task for students. They are able to see the feedback proforma to be used, with a marked example. Whilst this form is specific to this task, it could be adapted for other uses, to prepare students for the feedback they will receive on their work.

Shared with the World by Dr Deirdre Burke

Exercises to help students get more out of Tutor Feedback

This collection contains a range of resources which aim to help students get more out of tutor feedback on their work. This is suitable for all undergraduate students in any subject area.

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